Our mission
As part of Rewilding Europe, we want to make Europe a wilder place, with more space for wild nature, wildlife and natural processes. In bringing back the variety of life, we will continue to explore new ways for people to enjoy and earn a fair living from the wild.
Our vision
Wild nature is recognised as a fundamental part of Europe’s heritage and an essential element in a modern, prosperous and healthy society.
Our aim
To create large, rewilded landscapes in at least 10 different regions across Europe. These will demonstrate how Rewilding Europe’s vision can be put into practice on a far larger scale.

About Rewilding Europe
Rewilding Europe was formally established on 28 June 2011 as an independent, non-for-profit foundation registered in the Netherlands. The four co-founders of Rewilding Europe are Frans Schepers, Staffan Widstrand, Neil Birnie and Wouter Helmer.
As an independent organisation, we have established ourselves as a pan-European initiative, operating at the frontline of rewilding at a European scale. We work together with numerous partners, both at a European, national and local level. A Supervisory Board, starting with four members from four different countries, was established in September 2012, as part of our governance structure.
After more than eight years of committed work, Rewilding Europe is now well underway and has made considerable progress. The rewilding process in Europe has achieved significant momentum. As it takes this new conservation movement forward across the continent, Rewilding Europe will continue to act as a pioneer.
More info on Rewilding Europe can be found on the central web-site.
Rewilding Ukraine
Rewilding Ukraine is a conservation NGO, registered in Odessa, Ukraine in 2017 by a team of dedicated conservationists with more than 20 years experience in nature protection, wetland restoration, natural grazing and sustainable development.
Our team
Mykhailo Nesterenko
Team leader
Oleg Dyakov
Rewilding officer
Kate Kurakina
Communications officer
Igor Studennikov
Fundraising officer
Alexey Pudovkin
Consultant for animal translocation
Oleksandr Gaidash
Field officer
Tetiana Galiutkina
Financial officer
Natalia Kulik
Olena Gavran
F&A assistant
Board members
Joseph Chernichko
Nataliya Zakorchevnaya
Igor Studennikov
Please contact us: info@rewilding-ukraine.com
Rewilding Romania
Rewilding Romania is a nature protection foundation registered in Romania in 2023. Our knowledgeable team specialises in national and local conservation in Romania, including policy, legislation and work with local stakeholders.
Our team
Ioana-Cătălina Petrencu
Team leader Danube Delta
Alexandru Ifrim
Rewilding Officer